
Twelve-year-oldAbbyNorth'sfirsthintthatsomethingisreallywrongwithherdadishowlongit'stakinghimtorecoverfromwhatshethoughtwasroutine ...,2007年6月1日—ThelettersaidastoryaboutalittledeafgirlhadappearedinaMarchissueofArchie.信中說一個故事:一位小女孩聾啞學校出現了一個問題三月阿爾 ...,書名:SignLanguage&Animals,語言:英文,ISBN:9781098264055,作者:Davis,Bela,出版日期:2022/12/15,類別:童書(...

Sign Language(Kobo電子書)

Twelve-year-old Abby North's first hint that something is really wrong with her dad is how long it's taking him to recover from what she thought was routine ...


2007年6月1日 — The letter said a story about a little deaf girl had appeared in a March issue of Archie.信中說一個故事:一位小女孩聾啞學校出現了一個問題三月阿爾 ...

Sign Language & Animals

書名:Sign Language & Animals,語言:英文,ISBN:9781098264055,作者:Davis, Bela,出版日期:2022/12/15,類別:童書(0-12歲)

Sign Language Sufa Vol.1.2 japanese version BL Yaoi ...

Sign Language Sufa Vol.1.2 japanese version BL Yaoi Manga ; 估計送達日期:3月25日, 一- 4月2日, 二 ; 估計送達日期. 3月25日, 一- 4月2日, 二. 所在地:hokkaido, 日本.

Sign Language Suwa BL Yaoi Manga Comics Vol.1

Sign Language Suwa BL Yaoi Manga Comics Vol.1-3 set KER Full Color Comic Manga | Collectibles, Comic Books & Memorabilia, Manga & Asian Comics | eBay!

SIGN LANGUAGE Novel, ch.44

A love story about Go Yo, a deaf, who gets excited by the sign language of Soo Hwa, and Soo Hwa who gets excited by the sound made by Go Yo.

10 个-sign language- 点子

2020-7-20 - 在Pinterest 上探索takyakiballs 的 图板“-sign language-”。。查看更多关于手語, 奥罗拉, 漫畫姿勢主题的点子。

預售手語1-3 手話

推坑中~ ... 26歳無職のスファは、耳の聞こえないゴヨが営むカフェで働くことに。 普段は手話を使うゴヨだが、手話ができないスファにだけは話し掛ける。 たまにしか聞けない ...

Manga, Sign Language and Deaf Characters

2021年6月17日 — Summary: The story revolves around Shōko Nishimiya, an elementary school student who has been Deaf since birth and is bullied by her classmates.

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